5 Signs You're Missing Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Our bodies are truly incredible machines that are always quietly working to keep us alert, focused, and functioning at our best. But often enough — despite our best intentions — we are missing the vitamins and minerals that have significant impacts on our overall health. Lacking in these key nutrients can manifest itself in a multitude of signs and symptoms — ones that can be easy to disregard.


These five telltale signs can let you know that you suffer from a deficiency in key vitamins and minerals, and how you can address these deficiencies.

Are You Tired All the Time? You Might Need a More Vitamin B12 or Iron.

Are you constantly tired, even after getting a full night's sleep? Low energy and constant fatigue is one of the earliest signs of a deficiency in vitamin B12 or Iron. Both are crucial for the production of energy in your body.


Vitamin B12 is necessary for red blood cell formation (which carries oxygen in your bloodstream), and also supports brain function.


Iron is essential for transporting oxygen throughout your body, and if you have low iron levels, you may feel tired, weak, or short of breath.


What You Can Do:If you're on a plant-based or vegan diet — There is a higher risk of both Vitamin B12 and Iron levels of being low. Consider adding a vegan friendly Vitamin B12 supplement or Iron supplement.

Frequent Colds or Slow Healing Wounds? You May Be Low in Zinc.

If every time the seasons change and you end up with a sniffle, or those have minor cuts and scrapes that seem to take too long to heal (or develop an angry red ring around them) it might be because you’re not getting enough Zinc.


Zinc is an essential mineral necessary for your immune function, supports in wound healing and body’s ability to fight infection.


What You Can Do:Incorporate a Zinc Supplement into your diet, particularly in the winter months when you are at higher risk of getting sick. PlantFusion’s Vegan Zinc offers an easy and effective way to support your immune health.

Waking in the Middle of the Night or Restless Legs and Muscle Cramps? You Might Need More Magnesium.

Do you suffer from muscle cramps after a workout, restless legs at bedtime, or find yourself unable to sleep at night? You may have a Magnesium deficiency if you experience the above. This is a mineral responsible for muscle function, nerve regulation, and relaxation.


Magnesium aids in muscle relaxation, enhances quality of sleep by calming the nervous system and relaxing stress.


What You Can Do: PlantFusion’s Vegan Magnesium supplement can help support muscle recovery, relaxation and improved sleep — and it can also contributes to increased bone density.

Weak Bones or Joint Pain? You Might need more Vitamin D3 and Calcium.

If you are noticing more frequent achy joints or a are experiencing a general feeling of weakness, this can the consequence of insufficiency of Vitamin D3 plus Calcium. It is important to get enough of both calcium and vitamin D as they are essential for bone health, and low levels could mean weakened bones, aches in muscles as well as mood swings.


Vitamin D3helps your body absorb calcium, while also supporting immune function and mood regulation.


Calcium is not just for bone strength; it also plays a key role in muscle function and nerve signaling. Other than bone health, calcium is also important for muscle and nerve function.


What You Can Do: Increase your intake using a high-potency D3 Supplement, like PlantFusion’s D3+K2 (as K2 works together with D3) and a Calcium Supplement, which can support healthy bone and muscle function as you age.

Brittle Hair, Weak Nails, or Dull Skin? You May Be Low in Iron or Biotin.

If you have dull skin, brittle nails or have noticed your hair thinning it could be a result of low Iron or Vitamin B12. These two nutrients are an absolute must for the health of skin, hair and nails.


Iron enhances blood circulation and oxygenation while giving you youthful blood to your skin & strengthening nails.


Biotin, often referred to as the beauty vitamin, supports the production of keratin, which is a key protein for hair and nails, helping to reduce brittleness and promote growth.


What You Can Do:Consider adding a Vegan Iron or Biotin supplement to your daily routine to promote healthier skin, hair, and nails.

PlantFusion's Vegan Vitamins & Minerals

For everyday nutrition plus specialized support.

How PlantFusion Can Help Fill the Gaps

Missing out on key vitamins and minerals can affect your life more than you realize. The good news is, we’ve designed clean, plant-based supplements that give your body exactly what it needs.


If you’re experiencing any of the signs listed above, it might be time to reassess your vitamin and mineral intake.
