Good Fats Keto Smoothie Recipe

It’s not always easy to get good fats and keep a low carb diet. You can’t have certain fruit, certain beans, even certain vegetables! It’s even more difficult if you’re trying to do a dairy-free keto diet. So today we’re going to cover some keto friendly greens and healthy plant based fats for your vegan keto smoothie.  We have even more recipes on our blog, so be sure to check that out too.

In this smoothie, we’re adding our 1:1 Fats + Protein  product to achieve a perfect ratio of fats to protein. With this recipe, you’ll get a healthy balance of good fats to protein AND strong dose of greens for the day.

Here are our Good Fats Keto Smoothie ingredients.

  • Our greens will come from:
    • A handful of kale
    • A handful of mint
    • 1 celery stick
    • ¼ of a small cucumber peeled
  • And our healthy keto fats are:
  • Last, we’ll add a squeeze of lemon from ½ of a lemon


Blend everything up until it’s nice and smooth. If you like your smoothie colder, feel free to add some chopped ice cubes.

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