Simple Exercise Tweaks to Boost Your Metabolism

Here’s a question for you.. have you ever left a work out feeling like you didn’t do a thing? Or maybe you’re so exhausted that all you want to do is hibernate and take a nap as soon as you are done. And still not feeling the results? What happened to runners high? Endorphins are still a thing, we promise. You may not be feeling like your hard work is doing anything because your metabolism isn’t on your side (for now). It’s not that you have to put in more effort, you might just need to work a little bit more strategically.


To give a little insight, metabolism is the rate in which your body burns calories, which are used to create energy. It’s not only about genetics or drive… it’s how you structure your daily habits, how you set up your workout; even the intensity or how slow or fast you do your movements that make a difference. Small tweaks to your routine can make a huge difference in how you feel physically and your overall level of fitness.


If you’re prepared to supercharge your workouts, here are five tweaks to make the most of your efforts.

Add Short Bursts of Intensity

Ever noticed how some people seem to burn fat effortlessly? The secret is often high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Explosive energy spurts with short active rest intervals increase your heart rate and contribute to calorie burn (even after you complete your work out). If you’ve ever been to a guided workout class, you have probably had an instructor use this method to push you through to the finish line.


Try This: Rather than running at a steady pace for 30 minutes, try sprinting for 30 seconds, then walking for 60 seconds. Repeat for 10-15 minutes. This adjustment can help you burn more calories in less time.


PlantFusion Tip:Protein is one of the biggest things that helps with muscle recovery and keeps your metabolism in tip top shape (among many other benefits). To fuel these bursts of intensity, consider a plant-based protein powder like PlantFusion Complete Proteinbefore or after your workout.

PlantFusion's Complete Protein

21g of the world’s best tasting plant-based, vegan protein powder that sustains energy, builds and repairs muscle, and is easy to digest.

Strength Train with Compound Movement

Workouts that can boost your metabolism are especially effective when they include compound exercises—those that use two or more muscle groups at a time. These moves take a bit more energy, raise the heart rate, get blood pumping, and — at the same time — help build strength.


Try This: Instead of isolating one muscle (you know, bicep curls), focus on full-body workouts and exercises like squats, deadlifts and lunges. They engage many muscle groups at one time, which not only gives you a more complete workout, but also leads to more calories being burnt.


Another reason why strength training is so beneficial is that it elevates excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This means that your body keeps burning calories long after you have completed your workout.

That means you are getting more bang for your buck!

Mindfulness and Mindful Muscles: Engaging Your Muscles By Being Present

Being in motion with no real engagement is like driving with the brakes on: You’re going somewhere, but doing it the hard way. Making an effort to work your muscles hard, and being more in tune with each movement you make means you will be far more effective in your workouts.


Try This:Don’t just ‘do a squat,’ aim to activate your glutes and core in the down position. This means "if you are lifting weights, slow down the movement, sense the tightening of the muscle. And the more muscle fibers you engage, the bigger the effect you get. You also will have improved movements when you are really focusing on what your body is doing and what it feels like because you are more aware and able to self-correct your form. This decreases the chance of injury as well as you are taking the time to listen to your body.

Reduce Rest Time Between Sets

By going too long between exercises, aka taking extended breaks, you may be accidentally slowing your metabolism. A workout where your heart rate is kept up can burn more calories and lead to a greater metabolic rate. We advocate taking a rest when you need it! (mindful movement am I right?) but when you can push through, give it a real shot.


Try This: If you normally take 60-90 seconds of rest between sets, reduce that time to 30-45 seconds. Or, do supersets, which is doing two exercises in a row without resting between (i.e. squats + push-ups).


Minimal rest periods keep your heart rate high, raising energy consumption and metabolism throughout the training session.


Certain nutrients play a role in energy metabolism. If you find yourself feeling sluggish, consider a vegan B12 supplement to support energy production at the cellular level. Vitamin B12 helps convert food into energy, keeping you feeling strong and focused throughout your workouts.

PlantFusion's Vegan Vitamins & Minerals

Add More Movement to Your Day

Your metabolism isn’t all about how much you are working out, it’s highly affected by how active you are throughout the day. Try not to limit your movement to “I’m working out today” vs “I’m having a lazy day” as you can feel the difference in your energy when you do something as easy as shaking your body out as soon as you wake up in the morning. A major player in overall energy expenditure is non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). The calories burned from basic movements such as walking, standing and even fidgeting influence your metabolism.


Try This:Avoid the elevator and use the stairs, maybe take the parking spot a little further from the entrance and stand and stretch every hour and walk when you’re on the phone. Those tiny habits add up, you will feel better and it help keep your metabolism burning throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

If you were to take anything away from this article, it is that you don’t need to spend hours at the gym every day or totally change your routine to be able to ramp up your metabolism and energy levels. With small (but strategic) adjustments that add intensity, engage muscle, cut back on rest time and increase movement throughout the day,  you’ll be amping up your body’s capacity to burn calories efficiently before you know it.
